Parametric survival/risk estimation with Weibull AFT models

Weibull accelerated failure time model

using Random, LSurvival, Distributions, LinearAlgebra, Plots

# generate some data under a discrete hazards model
 id, int, out, data = LSurvival.dgm(MersenneTwister(1212), 1000, 20)

data[:, 1] = round.(data[:, 1], digits = 3)
d, X = data[:, 4], data[:, 1:3]
wt = rand(MersenneTwister(1212), length(d)) # random weights just to demonstrate usage

# Fit a Cox model with `Tables.jl` and `StatsAPI.@formula` interface (similar to GLM.jl)
tab = (id=id, in = int, out = out, d=d, x=X[:,1], z1=X[:,2], z2=X[:,3], wts=wt) # can also be a DataFrame from DataFrames.jl
weibullfit = survreg(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, wts=tab.wts, dist=LSurvival.Weibull())


Maximum likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
                   Est     StdErr        LCI        UCI       Z  P(>|Z|)
(Intercept)   2.92482   0.0808023   2.76645    3.08319    36.20   <1e-99
x            -1.50998   0.135432   -1.77543   -1.24454   -11.15   <1e-99
z1           -0.072211  0.106681   -0.281301   0.136879   -0.68   0.4985
z2           -1.08864   0.0906976  -1.2664    -0.910874  -12.00   <1e-99
log(Scale)   -0.223338  0.0368294  -0.295522  -0.151153   -6.06   <1e-08
Weibull distribution
Log-likelihood (full): -1222.58
Log-likelihood (Intercept only):  -1356.2
LRT p-value (X^2=267.23, df=3): 0
Solver iterations: 15

Comparing Weibull AFT and Cox model results

For the Weibull distribution, AFT model and Cox model results can be compared directly by converting AFT estimates to hazard ratios

coxfit = coxph(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, ties = "efron", wts = wt, id = ID.(


Maximum partial likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
      ln(HR)    StdErr        LCI       UCI      Z  P(>|Z|)
x   1.78123   0.181734   1.42504   2.13742    9.80   <1e-99
z1  0.109247  0.133533  -0.152473  0.370968   0.82   0.4133
z2  1.59741   0.10216    1.39718   1.79764   15.64   <1e-99
Partial log-likelihood (null): -2460.82
Partial log-likelihood (fitted): -2314.18
LRT p-value (X^2=293.28, df=3): 0
Newton-Raphson iterations: 6

Convert the AFT model parameters to hazard ratios to compare (note that this conversion is not possible for all parametric survival distributions).

scale = exp(weibullfit.P._S[1])
aftparms = coef(weibullfit)[2:end]
parmhrs = - aftparms ./ scale
hcat(coef(coxfit), parmhrs)

Output: The first column is ln(HR) estimate from a Cox model, and the second is from the Weibull model

3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.78123   1.88785
 0.109247  0.0902812
 1.59741   1.36106

Visualizing the distributions, probability density

using Plots

aftdist(weibullfit, label="X=0, Z1=0, Z2=0", title="Weibull distribution")
# for specific covariate levels, include a 1.0 for the intercept
aftdist!(weibullfit, covlevels=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], color="red", label="X=1, Z1=1, Z2=1", npoints=300)


Visualizing the distributions, survival distribution

aftdist(weibullfit, type="surv", label="X=0, Z1=0, Z2=0", title="Weibull distribution")
# for specific covariate levels, include a 1.0 for the intercept
aftdist!(weibullfit, type="surv", covlevels=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], color="red", label="X=1, Z1=1, Z2=1")


Visualizing the distributions, hazard function

aftdist(weibullfit, type="haz", label="X=0, Z1=0, Z2=0", title="Weibull distribution")
# for specific covariate levels, include a 1.0 for the intercept
aftdist!(weibullfit, type="haz", covlevels=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], color="red", label="X=1, Z1=1, Z2=1", npoints=300)


Visualizing the distributions, risk function

aftdist(weibullfit, type="risk", label="X=0, Z1=0, Z2=0", title="Weibull distribution")
# for specific covariate levels, include a 1.0 for the intercept
aftdist!(weibullfit, type="risk", covlevels=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], color="red", label="X=1, Z1=1, Z2=1", npoints=300)


Other distributions


Note that the exponential fit assumes a constant hazard.

expfit = survreg(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, wts=tab.wts, dist=LSurvival.Exponential())
aftdist(expfit, type="haz", label="X=0, Z1=0, Z2=0", title="Exponential distribution")
# for specific covariate levels, include a 1.0 for the intercept
aftdist!(expfit, type="haz", covlevels=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], color="red", label="X=1, Z1=1, Z2=1")



Maximum likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
                   Est    StdErr        LCI       UCI       Z  P(>|Z|)
(Intercept)   2.95353   0.100392   2.75677    3.15029   29.42   <1e-99
x            -1.55072   0.16808   -1.88015   -1.22129   -9.23   <1e-99
z1           -0.082459  0.133349  -0.343818   0.1789    -0.62   0.5363
z2           -1.36337   0.101441  -1.5622    -1.16455  -13.44   <1e-99
Exponential distribution
Log-likelihood (full): -1239.09
Log-likelihood (Intercept only):  -1359.4
LRT p-value (X^2=240.61, df=3): 0
Solver iterations: 14


# note this model runs into convergence issues in these data
    #lognormalfit = survreg(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, wts=tab.wts, dist=LSurvival.Lognormal())

# Here are results from a simpler model
dat1 = (time = [1, 1, 6, 6, 8, 9], status = [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1], x = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0])
lognormalfit = survreg(@formula(Surv( time, status)~x), dat1, dist=LSurvival.Lognormal())
aftdist(lognormalfit, type="haz", label="X=0", title="Log-normal distribution")
aftdist!(lognormalfit, type="haz", covlevels=[1.0], color="red", label="X=1")



Maximum likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
                   Est    StdErr       LCI        UCI      Z  P(>|Z|)
(Intercept)   2.20995   0.40358    1.41895   3.00095    5.48   <1e-07
x            -1.26752   0.585011  -2.41412  -0.120918  -2.17   0.0303
log(Scale)   -0.445615  0.342319  -1.11655   0.225318  -1.30   0.1930
Lognormal distribution
Log-likelihood (full): -10.4662
Log-likelihood (Intercept only): -12.9106
LRT p-value (X^2=4.89, df=2): 0.086774
Solver iterations: 9


gammafit = survreg(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, wts=tab.wts, dist=LSurvival.Gamma())
aftdist(gammafit, type="haz", label="X=0, Z1=0, Z2=0", title="Gamma distribution")
# for specific covariate levels, include a 1.0 for the intercept
aftdist!(gammafit, type="haz", covlevels=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], color="red", label="X=1, Z1=1, Z2=1")



Maximum likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
                    Est     StdErr        LCI        UCI       Z  P(>|Z|)
(Intercept)   2.43748    0.0743159   2.29182    2.58313    32.80   <1e-99
x            -1.49903    0.134053   -1.76176   -1.23629   -11.18   <1e-99
z1           -0.0770725  0.137475   -0.346519   0.192374   -0.56   0.5751
z2           -1.12406    0.0256118  -1.17425   -1.07386   -43.89   <1e-99
κ             0.410826   0.0436605   0.325253   0.496399    9.41   <1e-99
Gamma distribution
Log-likelihood (full): -1219.09
Log-likelihood (Intercept only): -1352.33
LRT p-value (X^2=266.48, df=3): 0
Solver iterations: 21

Notes: analytic gradients and Hessian matrixes are not available for this distribution, so the solver uses finite differencing, which can make this model considerably slower to fit than alternative models.

Generalized gamma

ggammafit = survreg(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, wts=tab.wts, dist=LSurvival.GGamma())
#ggammafit = survreg(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, wts=tab.wts, dist=LSurvival.GGamma(), verbose=true) #see convergence issue
ggammafit2 = survreg(@formula(Surv(in, out, d)~x+z1+z2), tab, wts=tab.wts, dist=LSurvival.GGamma(), start=zeros(6))
#simpler fit
    rng = MersenneTwister(121)
    n = 1000
    x = rand(rng, [0,1], n)
    wtab = (
      t = [LSurvival.randweibull(rng, exp(1), exp((1-x[i]))) for i in 1:n],
      d = rand(rng, [0,1], n),
      x = x

ggammafit2 = survreg(@formula(Surv(t, d)~x), wtab, dist=LSurvival.GGamma())
aftdist(ggammafit2, type="haz", label="X=0", title="Generalized gamma distribution")
aftdist!(ggammafit2, type="haz", covlevels=[1.0], color="red", label="X=1")



┌ Warning: Optimizer reports model did not converge. Gradient: [-0.30185255746883194, -92.76305273476676, -12.51874622578631]
└ @ LSurvival ~/.julia/packages/LSurvival/LckPM/src/parsurvival.jl:454

Maximum likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
                    Est     StdErr        LCI        UCI       Z  P(>|Z|)
(Intercept)   1.63286    0.315163    1.01516    2.25057     5.18   <1e-06
x            -1.48364    0.0659245  -1.61285   -1.35443   -22.51   <1e-99
z1           -0.0823059  0.250621   -0.573515   0.408903   -0.33   0.7426
z2           -1.17402    0.144571   -1.45737   -0.890661   -8.12   <1e-15
log(scale)    0.268056   0.0312804   0.206748   0.329365    8.57   <1e-99
κ             0.872033   0.20311     0.473946   1.27012     4.29   <1e-04
GGamma distribution
Log-likelihood (full): -1217.97
Log-likelihood (Intercept only): -1327.99
LRT p-value (X^2=220.05, df=3): 0
Solver iterations: 41

# fit 2: note stderr column
Maximum likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
                    Est    StdErr        LCI        UCI       Z  P(>|Z|)
(Intercept)   1.63286    0.705252   0.250596   3.01513     2.32   0.0206
x            -1.48364    0.145726  -1.76926   -1.19803   -10.18   <1e-99
z1           -0.0823059  0.114052  -0.305845   0.141233   -0.72   0.4705
z2           -1.17402    0.102888  -1.37567   -0.972358  -11.41   <1e-99
log(scale)    0.268056   0.189051  -0.102477   0.638589    1.42   0.1562
κ             0.872033   0.334477   0.216471   1.5276      2.61   0.0091
GGamma distribution
Log-likelihood (full): -1217.97
Log-likelihood (Intercept only): -1327.99
LRT p-value (X^2=220.05, df=3): 0
Solver iterations: 46

# fit 3: simpler data (no convergence issues)
Maximum likelihood estimates (alpha=0.05):
                   Est      StdErr        LCI        UCI        Z  P(>|Z|)
(Intercept)   1.4276    0.00738963   1.41311    1.44208    193.19   <1e-99
x            -0.981762  0.0278233   -1.03629   -0.927229   -35.29   <1e-99
log(scale)   -1.35909   0.0099205   -1.37853   -1.33965   -137.00   <1e-99
κ            -0.481034  0.0338139   -0.547308  -0.41476    -14.23   <1e-99
GGamma distribution
Log-likelihood (full): -745.685
Log-likelihood (Intercept only): -963.049
LRT p-value (X^2=434.73, df=1): 0
Solver iterations: 66

Notes: analytic gradients and Hessian matrixes are not available for this distribution, so the solver uses finite differencing, which can make this model considerably slower to fit than alternative models.


In progress


In progress